01628 525287 [email protected]

MY work


Video Conferencing

Video conferencing software is playing an increasingly important role in our business communications, especially when it’s not possible to meet in person. And for some people it adds a layer of technology with which they are not comfortable. How do you make a meaningful connection with your audience through a screen? How do you use the tools that video conferencing offers to make your presentation more engaging?


Webinar Hosting

As more and more of our communications happen online, understanding how to host a successful webinar is becoming increasingly important.  How do you shape your content so that it is relevant for the online world? How do you  capture your audience’s attention and build rapport? How do you want them to feel when the webinar ends?


Pitch Presenting

By the time you’ve reached the final stages of tendering for a contract, you know that on paper, you and your firm have met all the technical requirements. And so will several of your competitors.  How are you going to clinch the deal? Usually, it all comes down to the pitch. Do your values match those of the hiring firm? Is your USP clear enough? Do they trust you and believe they can work with you?


Media Training

TV and radio programmes, the press and social media….nowadays it’s a battle to be heard in such a noisy landscape. And it’s never been more important to be a polished and effective media performer to get your messages across loud and clear.  I can help you do exactly that, with flexible coaching taking place individually or in small groups, either online – using video conferencing software such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams – or in person.

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